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LabelPrinterAPI: label PdfLabel

The class PdfLabel generates a label in PDF format. The following parameters can be used to configure the output:

parameterdescriptiondefault value
PageHeightheight of the PDF output page (in mm) 29
PageWidthwidth of the PDF output page (in mm) 90
PageRotationrotation of the output in degrees. Can be one of the following values: 0, 90, 180, 270 0
BorderToptop border of the output (in mm) 2
BorderBottombottom border of the output (in mm) 2
BorderLeftleft border of the output (in mm) 2
TitlePrefixprefix used in title yourCMDB
labelprinting/label/pdflabel.txt · Last modified: 2017/07/24 11:43 (external edit)