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Setup Guide for older yourCMDB versions

setup for version 0.8

install the required software for yourCMDB

yourCMDB needs the following software

  • a webserver (for example Apache)
  • PHP 5 with the following libraries:
    • GD
    • MySQL
    • LDAP
  • a MySQL database server

copy the yourCMDB files

After you installed all the software you need for yourCMDB, download the current version of yourCMDB and extract the files in a directory of your choice, for exmaple /opt/yourcmdb. Link the web subdirectory in your webserver's document root.


tar -xvf yourcmdb-<version>.tar.gz
cp yourcmdb /opt
ln -s /opt/yourcmdb/web /var/www/yourcmdb #(if your webservers document root is /var/www)

configure your MySQL database server

yourCMDB stores its data in a MySQL database. So please create a database and a database user on your MySQL server for yourCMDB. After that, use the file <yourcmdb-dir>/sql/create.sql to create the database structure.

configure your database connection for yourCMDB

In the etc directory of yourCMDB, you'll find the configuration files of yourCMDB. Use datastore-configuration.xml to setup the parameters for the connection to your MySQL database server.

configure authentication

To get authentication and authorisation working, please setup the base URL for yourCMDB in the configuration file <yourcmdb-dir>/etc/view-configuration.xml. Change the following line to fit your needs:

<url base="" />

For example, if your yourCMDB setup is available under use the following configuration:

<url base="" />

You can login to yourCMDB using the following credentials:

username: admin
password: yourcmdb

If you want to use a specific authentication method, please consider the following Wiki page: authentication and authorisation

further steps

Now you are done and have yourCMDB working in a fresh install. The next steps should be:

about/install-old.txt · Last modified: 2017/07/24 11:43 (external edit)